Archive for the ‘Query Letters’ Category

January 19, 2010

Progress, Query Letters


Not long after I finished my last post, I decided to check my gmail account one more time. I certainly wasn’t expecting what awaited me there …

… a reply from one of the agents I queried this morning!

They want to see the first 30 pages of “Operation Snag Mike/Brad.”

I was floored — and thrilled at the same time. Once my heart stopped racing (and I texted the Boyfriend with the good news), I followed the instructions to upload the pages to the literary agency’s database.

Now, I get to wait. They said it could take up to two months to review the submission. That’s about the same amount of time until Golden Heart finalists are announced.

Good thing I have other stories to keep me busy in the meantime.

January 19, 2010

Query Letters

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Checking in again: I didn’t spent quite an hour treating writing as my day job today (Monday), but I did accomplish what I set out to do.

That’s right — I sent out two query letters. Yep. You read that correctly. Two agents now have my query for “Operation Snag Mike Brad” sitting in their e-mail inboxes. I hope one of them likes the idea enough to request the full manuscript.

With the snow falling, we cleared the paper early tonight, so I’m about to head home. Maybe I’ll get some writing done.

Wait a minute — that’s not the right attitude. I WILL get some writing done. That’s better! 😀

January 14, 2010

Progress, Query Letters

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I got a little writing done today … very little. I’d say I wrote about a page — a far cry from the heady days of November when I was writing 2,000 words a day.

Guess I’ll look at the positive: It’s a page more than I wrote yesterday.

I’ve actually been a little lazy since finishing the first draft of “Blind Date Bride” last month. I haven’t been writing much, though I did finish my query letter … I think. I’m waiting for some feedback from my writer friends.

The problem is, I’m not sure what I want to work on now. I can’t make up my mind. I’ve dabbled with Cassie & Dustin’s story and today I wrote on Meg & Matt. I could also go back to Drew & Lainy’s story, or Bree & Mike’s.

I think, now that I’ve figured out how to print on both sides of the paper with the Boyfriend’s new printer, I’m going to print out a copy of “Blind Date Bride” so I can give it a good read-through. I didn’t want to waste 350 sheets on a first draft … even if it might be the best thing I’ve ever written.

December 27, 2009

Progress, Query Letters

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With the holidays looming, I took a brief hiatus from the blog. Even though I didn’t blog about a darn thing, I continued writing — or at least thinking about writing.

That’s half the battle, isn’t it? By thinking about that darn query letter, I’m getting that much closer to getting it written.

Okay, maybe not. Right now I feel like my query letter has dragged me behind the building and is pushing my face into a snowbank while it kicks my a$$. But I feel certain I’m about to turn the tables and whip that bad boy into shape.

Even though I haven’t accomplished much on my query letter yet, I did manage to get more editing done on Cassie & Dustin’s story (the second in the series that also contains my 2009 GH entry). I think the head-hopping is now a thing of the past. (Of course, so are about 5,000 more words. I think the MS now sits at about 43K … so there’s more rewriting to be done.)

It never ends, does it? I certainly hope not.

P.S.: I also spent some time putting together the newest issue of High Country Highlights, the newsletter for Northern Arizona RWA. I’m looking to zap it out to members very soon now.