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January 24, 2013

Ruby WWF

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Despite my goal to boost my online presence, it’s been too long since I’ve written a blog post.

I can’t say it’s all bad, because I have been busy writing … and rewriting … and getting rejections … and rewriting some more.

Since I last blogged, I finished the first draft of a novella, struggled with a paranormal romantic comedy and prepped an entry for the 2013 Golden Heart. (Fingers crossed on that one.)

I also assumed the helm of my local RWA chapter, NARWA, and jumped into the Ruby Slippered Sisterhood Winter Writing Festival again.

My RSSWWF goals, as posted in the opening ceremonies post on Jan. 10:

  • Revise at least 5 pages in the novella I want to submit March 1.
  • Revise at least 5 pages of my the rest of my GH entry (in case it finals).
  • Read an article on character-building & figure out how to apply it to my stories above.
  • Do something presidential (chapter admin duties).
  • Pay my NARWA/RWA dues. The president has to stay current!
  • Network by reaching out to a fellow writer in some way – via Facebook, twitter, blog comment

Plus additional goals left over from last year (they still apply, so why not?):

  • Read/give feedback to CP OR
  • Read one article in one of the many unread issues of RWR I have on file OR
  • Write a blog post of at least 150 words for my writing blog, Love & Laughter. Posts for the weight loss blog don’t count. OR
  • Read one of the GH entries I just received for judging OR
  • Do something/anything to further my writing career (like entering an online pitch contest, attending a chapter meeting) OR
  • Spend at least an hour a day, BICHOK (not playing online)

That’s what I’ve been up to, and what I’ll be doing for the foreseeable future. What are you doing to make your dream come true?