What to do, what to do?
I’m at a bit of a loss again. After writing more than 1,000 words on Meg and Matt’s story yesterday, I’ve hit a block. If I take a page of advice from the “write quickly and often” book, I’ll sit down and make myself write something — anything.
But maybe I should continue working on my new synopsis for “Operation Snag Mike Brad” — the one that puts more emphasis on the conflict (you know, the one that may or may not actually exist in the story. I’m trying. It really does have more conflict than it used to.)
I’m not sure it’s worth sending out more queries on that one until I resolve the conflict issue.
Or perhaps I should do something else altogether. “Blind Date Bride” needs a query letter and synopsis. I’m thinking about taking an online synopsis-writing class that starts in March, though … so maybe I should wait on that.
This is the story of my life these days: I seem to have a short attention span. I can’t settle down to any one project. Yet I need to keep making progress on my Word Count Club goal. I don’t want to be the one to fail.
I also need an editor’s note for the next NARWA newsletter. I’m thinking my topic will be … drumroll, please … rejection. I’ve certainly handled enough of it lately to consider myself an expert! 😉
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My vote? Keep working on Matt and Meg’s story. I do agree that pushing through those writing blocks is easier when you’re writing faster. Plus, it’s good practice for you as a writer to learn to write even when you’re not a 100% sure. You might be surprised where your characters lead you. 😉
They did that today, actually. I started out a scene thinking it was going to be about one thing … and it turned into a steamy makeout session instead (again written in public, no less!). I’m just now getting around to turning the conversation back to what I’d intended to write about in the first place.
But I’d say it gave me another 600 words or so, so I’m not complaining! 😀
That’s awesome! My characters have a habit of making out when their supposed to be talking too… Wonder what that’s about. Lol!
*they’re (oops!)