Archive for August 2015 | Monthly archive page

August 29, 2015

Excerpts, Meg & Matt

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LynnSexySaturday_bannerOMG, guys! UNFORGETTABLE HEROES’ Release week has been a whirlwind, with lots of successes along the way. More on that in my Manic Monday post. Right now, it’s time for My Sexy Saturday.

This week’s theme: Sexy Has It.

From the My Sexy Saturday blog:

We all know sexy has it. As authors, we define ‘it’ every day and write those wonderful, sexy scenes. Sexy has sexy, sexy has love, sexy has wonderful. Sexy has the power to change world, set people free and everything in between. Sexy is just right and good and oh, so fun to share.

Since I’m still celebrating this week’s release of Unforgettable Heroes II, I’m giving you another snippet from BEAUTY AND THE BALLPLAYER, my contribution to the 13-book boxed set.

Beauty and the Ballplayer | Arlene HittleIn this scene, Matt has rushed Meg out of the hotel lobby before she can figure out people are starting to snap his picture. (He’s still trying to keep her from finding out he plays ball for a living, and has just roped his brother, Stan, into pretending his hotel room belonged to the stylist, not him. Matt used his brother’s mad skills with a pair of shears to convince Meg to have dinner with him.) And Meg is still fighting to put her baby’s best interests first.

Happy reading!


Meg was breathless when Matt cursed and released his hold on her. She had no idea why he’d kissed her, or why he’d abruptly stopped and put six feet of space between them.

“What was that?”

Matt was also out of breath. She watched him take a few deep breaths before answering. “Sorry. It won’t happen again.”

“What if I want it to happen again?”

The words flew out of her mouth before she could censor them. The moment they left her lips, Meg wished she could take them back. She’d just met this guy, for God’s sake. It was too early to be confessing that she wanted him to jump her bones—especially when his brother stood just feet away. What was it about this family that made her feel so at home?

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.” Damn hormones were making her horny and brainless. Even if it were the truth, she had no business getting involved with Matt. Or anyone, really. The baby needed to be her number one priority.

Matt smiled at her. “But I’m glad you did.”


Unforgettable Heroes IIBEAUTY AND THE BALLPLAYER is part of Turquoise Morning Press’ UNFORGETTABLE HEROES II boxed set, available now. For the bargain price of 99 cents, 13 national bestselling and award-winning authors deliver romance fiction featuring incredible, unforgettable romance heroes. This set runs the gamut from contemporary to historical romance, sweet romance to erotic, suspense to paranormal, and includes baseball players, cowboys, Celtic warriors, and more….

August 22, 2015


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LynnSexySaturday_bannerIs there a time of day that’s sexier than the rest? Not for the characters I create. For them, any time is sexy time. If they have a modicum of privacy and a place to get reasonably horizontal, they do.

Personally, I feel decidedly UNsexy in the morning. Ever seen that Facebook meme that says “If he really loves you, he’ll let you sleep?” Yeah. That.

But My Sexy Saturday isn’t about me; it’s about my Eveready characters. Someone—namely me—makes sure their batteries are always fully charged. 😉

This week, I’m sharing another seven-line snippet from Beauty and the Ballplayer, which is being re-released Tuesday as part of Turquoise Morning Press’ Unforgettable Heroes II boxed set.

Salsa dancing on Heritage Square is a thing in Flagstaff—I know, because I went a couple of times. I had a blast, so when it came time for Meg and Matt to do something fun in Flagstaff, I picked Salsa on the Square. In this scene, they’ve been dancing long enough for Meg to call him on the “I’m not much of a dancer” line he’d fed her before the music began.

What can I say? I like my guys without an ego the size of Texas.

Happy reading!


Beauty and the Ballplayer | Arlene HittleAs she suspected, Matt was a much better dancer than he’d let on. She was the one who had trouble getting the steps right while he moved as if he’d been born to a Latin beat.

“Two left feet, my ass,” she muttered after stumbling for what seemed like the thousandth time in five minutes.

Even as his eyebrows shot up, Matt tightened his grip on her waist to steady her. “You caught me.”

Unfazed by his sheepish expression, Meg giggled. “I didn’t think you’d be a bad dancer.”

“Just call it the curse of being a natural athlete. I’m good at everything I do.”

Whether he’d intended it or not, the comment conjured a distinct picture in her mind. It produced another shiver and her breath caught in her throat. “Everything?”

When he nodded, the shiver doubled in strength. Meg had no doubt he was telling the truth this time. Matt would be amazing at anything he tried—in or out of bed.


Unforgettable Heroes IIBEAUTY AND THE BALLPLAYER is available on its own for $2.99, but it’s also part of Turquoise Morning Press’ new Unforgettable Heroes II boxed set, which is available for preorder now and releases Tuesday, Aug. 25. For the bargain price of 99 cents, 13 national bestselling and award-winning authors deliver romance fiction featuring incredible, unforgettable romance heroes. This set runs the gamut from contemporary to historical romance, sweet romance to erotic, suspense to paranormal, and includes baseball players, cowboys, Celtic warriors, and more….


August 15, 2015

Excerpts, Meg & Matt

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LynnSexySaturday_bannerWelcome to the My Sexy Saturday blog hop. Long time no see, eh?

I’ve been alternately working the day job (which takes up more energy than I’d like, even though I work 5 fewer hours a week than I did in Flagstaff), hiding out in my writing cave (halfway through a new Love & Baseball short!) and preparing for the release of Turquoise Morning Press’ UNFORGETTABLE HEROES II boxed set, of which BEAUTY AND THE BALLPLAYER is a part.

This week’s theme is “My Sexy Boyfriend,” and I’m in luck—or maybe it’s you, the readers, who are in luck. Matt, BEAUTY’s hero, is outstanding boyfriend material.

Oh sure, he’s a tad hesitant to commit—and once he does, he battles an overbearing streak. Even with his flaws, he’s an improvement over Meg’s ex-boyfriend. (That one dumped her to join the professional poker circuit, before he had any idea she was pregnant. He wrote a terse goodbye note on the back of the receipt for her birth control prescription.)

Here’s an excerpt that showcases the difference between Matt and the ex. Enjoy!


Beauty and the Ballplayer | Arlene Hittle“Meg wouldn’t have sent someone looking for me if everything was fine.”

Matt didn’t bother to hide his astonishment that Tim could speak more than two words at once. “She didn’t send me.”

“Then why are you here?”

Whoa. Five whole words this time. He’d have to work harder than that to break his last-sentence record of twelve. Matt took another moment to debate with himself before answering. “I thought you deserved to know.”

“Know what?”

The guy had a right to know he was about to be a father, no matter how despicable—or illiterate—he might be. Matt took a deep breath. “Meg’s pregnant.”

Tim dipped his head so the hat again hid his eyes, but Matt caught a glimmer of something he didn’t like before the shade fell. “Not mine.”

Unforgettable Heroes IIBEAUTY AND THE BALLPLAYER is available on its own for $2.99, but it’s also part of Turquoise Morning Press’ new Unforgettable Heroes II boxed set, which is available for preorder now and releases Aug. 25. For the bargain price of 99 cents,  13 national bestselling and award-winning authors deliver romance fiction featuring incredible, unforgettable romance heroes. This set runs the gamut from contemporary to historical romance, sweet romance to erotic, suspense to paranormal, and includes baseball players, cowboys, Celtic warriors, and more….


August 11, 2015

Feature, Meg & Matt

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Turquoise Morning Press’ Unforgettable Heroes II boxed set will be available soon, and I’m excited to be a part of it. BEAUTY AND THE BALLPLAYER is among the 13 fantastic books you’ll get for the super-low introductory price of 99 cents (through August).

After Sept. 1, the price shoots up to $6.99. If you ask me, that’s still a bargain for 13 hunky heroes you won’t want to forget—but everyone loves a sale, so preorder your copy now.

Here are all the details:

Pre-order Date – Available Now!

Release Date: August 25, 2015

Unforgettable Heroes II 

ISBN: 978-1-62237-423-6

Heat Level: This 13 book set contains stories from sweet to erotic romance

Price Promotion: $0.99 for pre-order period through release week

Retail Price: $6.99 after September 1

Media > Books > Fiction > Romance Novels

Keywords & Themes: romance, heroes, Alpha, contemporary, historical, comedy, cowboys, suspense, paranormal, sweet romance, erotic romance, beach, older couple, ninja, warrior


13 NATIONAL BESTSELLING AND AWARD-WINNING AUTHORS deliver romance fiction featuring incredible, unforgettable romance heroes. This set runs the gamut from contemporary to historical romance, sweet romance to erotic, suspense to paranormal, and includes baseball players, cowboys, Celtic warriors, and more….

UP CLOSE – ELIZABETH BEVARLY is the New York Times bestselling, RITA Award-nominated author of more than seventy novels and novellas. Up Close is the perfect beach read, blending adventure and intrigue with romance and sensuality, peppered with the author’s signature humor.

PARKER: THE MONTANA MCKENNAS, (Book 4) – MADDIE JAMES is an International bestselling author of more than thirty romance novels and novellas. Parker, is her latest release in the Montana McKennas western romance series.

SPRING CHICKENS – MARGARET ETHRIDGE is a National bestselling author, contemporary romance fan favorite, and TMP top-selling author. Her second chance at love story, Spring Chickens, is a romance that defies the ageists!

CRESCENT MOON – JANET EAVES is a National bestselling author of the Ladies of Legend series of books. Crescent Moon, a Legend After Dark novella, takes the townsfolk of quiet Legend, TN on a bit of a different spin. It’s still Legend, only darker.

RESCUED BY THE CELTIC WARRIOR – AMY JARECKI is a National bestselling author of more than ten Scottish historical romance novels. Rescued by the Celtic Warrior is a Night Owl Reviews Top Pick.

SCENT OF A SHADOW – JENNIFER JOHNSON is a National bestselling author of contemporary romance and women’s fiction. Scent of a Shadow, features a man making his living by hiding in the shadows, and a divorced mother of three, who finds him.

THE GULL MOTEL – AMIE DENMAN is an EPIC Award and Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence finalist for her books. The Gull Motel, a beach read about a young woman who takes over a small Florida motel and falls for the man next door, earned a 4-star review from RT Bookreviews.

NICK OF TIME – BOBBYE TERRY is a Daphne du Maurier Award for Excellence finalist in Mystery/Suspense, and a National bestselling author. Nick of Time is a Climax, Virginia novel of suspense, intrigue and romance.

DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH – JC WARDON is the author of the thirteen-book Mystic Waters series, called a “series to watch” by her publisher. Diamond in the Rough, is book 6 of the Cavanaugh Family series.

BEAUTY AND THE BALLPLAYER – ARLENE HITTLE is the author of seven contemporary romance novels and novellas. Beauty and the Ballplayer is a 2011 Golden Heart finalist and winner of the First Coast RWA unpublished Beacon.

RIVETING HIS ATTENTION – MAY WILLIAMS is the author of historical romance, Riveting His Attention, which has been called “fun and flirty” and “adorable” by her fans. May writes both contemporary and historical romance.

CORPORATE COWBOY – BELLA MASTERS is the erotic romance pen name of International bestselling author Maddie James. Corporate Cowboy, an All Romance Ebooks bestseller, received a favorable 4 Star Review from RT Bookreviews.

RUNNING NOWHERE – LISA TAPP is the author of Maggie Award Finalist, Finding Beth, the first title in her Young Adult Ro Davis Series. Her book Running Nowhere, part of the contemporary romantic suspense Maystown Series, was the Romantic Suspense winner of the Hot Prospect Contest and was named a finalist in the Daphne du Maurier Award for Excellence in Mystery and Suspense.


